Toy Shooter

0.04 /pcs

Euro (€) - EUR
  • Euro (€) - EUR
  • United States dollar ($) - USD
  • Pound sterling (£) - GBP

A vibrant colored disc launcher, the Toy Shooter is the perfect entertainment to enrich your gift bags.

The Toy Shooter is designed to captivate and amuse. Compact and easy to use, this 5cm disc launcher is ideal for hosting events such as birthday parties or for garnishing pinatas. Its attractive design with playful patterns and sturdy structure ensure a durable and safe product suitable for repeated use.

Personalize your pouches

Create the cover that suits you;
every detail, from the logo to the color palette, is your choice.

Attractive design
Affordable price

The Toy Shooter is made with high quality materials, ensuring longevity even with intensive use.

Each Toy Shooter passes rigorous testing to ensure it is safe for children of all ages.

With its vibrant colors and pleasant central image, the Toy Shooter is visually appealing and stimulating to the senses.

Offer a smile without breaking the bank; The Toy Shooter is an economical option for quality gifts.

Your frequently asked questions

We are here to answer all your questions, don't wait any longer to make an appointment with a project manager.

What minimum age is recommended for the Toy Shooter?

The Toy Shooter is suitable for children aged 3 and over, always with adult supervision.

Is the Toy Shooter customizable for special events?

Yes, we offer customization services for bulk orders.

How to maintain and clean the Toy Shooter?

A simple damp cloth and a little mild soap is enough to keep the Toy Shooter clean.

Is the Toy Shooter available for international orders?

Absolutely, we ship the Toy Shooter internationally.

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Why is the Toy Shooter a Must-Have?

The Toy Shooter stands out as the perfect addition to any gift bag aimed at bringing joy and fun. Designed for wonder, this disc throwing toy…

Sustainability at the Heart of Design

Investing in the Toy Shooter means choosing a toy designed to last. Our testing ensures that every Toy Shooter…

A Commitment to Safety

Safety is essential, and the Toy Shooter has been designed to be used with complete peace of mind…

Careful Aesthetics for a Visual Impact

With its neat aesthetic and cheerful patterns, the Toy Shooter immediately appeals…

An Accessible Investment

The Toy Shooter proves that you don't have to spend a lot to deliver quality...