Who are we ?

We are the first agency specialized in the leisure industry and in this article, you will learn more about the genesis of the company, our operation, our development.

The origin of Storkeo

Our adventure took root in 2015, with the development of the very first trampoline park in France, nestled in the heart of the Lyon region. This first step, rich in lessons, saw Arnaud, our founder, dive into the world of leisure alongside an ambitious entrepreneur. Together, they navigated through the challenges inherent in a sector still on the margins: delivery delays, explosive budgets, a labyrinth of standards and regulations, not to mention the trials of operations and recruitment.

It is in this context, faced with a daily life punctuated by obstacles, that the obvious became clear to us: most of these pitfalls could have been easily avoided by adopting proven approaches, similar to those of real estate agencies or other tertiary sectors. Thus the seed of Storkeo was sown.

In 2019, after years of diverse experiences in operation, acquisition, design, and development within leading groups in the sector, Storkeo was born. Our mission is clear: to bring together under one umbrella all the services necessary for leisure professionals, thus offering a turnkey solution to transform visions into tangible realities.

At Storkeo, we are driven by the conviction that innovation and expertise can revolutionize the leisure industry, making it more accessible and infinitely safer for everyone.

How we work

Our engagement

The Storkeo team

Our development

Our approach is based on two simple ideas that guide everything we do:

1) Provide full service:

We firmly believe that the key to achieving great projects lies in collaboration and expertise. That's why we've assembled a diverse team including project managers, architects, construction economists, financial advisors, and buyers. Everyone brings their know-how so that, together, we can fully support each of your projects.

2) Offer a varied choice of brands and products:

We understand the importance of having options. Thus, we are committed to selecting a wide range of quality products, from hundreds of reliable and serious brands. In doing so, we hope to give everyone the freedom to find what suits them best, with complete confidence.

Our goal is simple: to be there for you, offering you services and products that truly meet all your needs.

Thanks to our collaboration with more than 1,000 customer parks through our various services, we benefit from exceptional visibility in the leisure sector. This privileged position allows us to access valuable information on innovations, current trends and revenue data, giving us the opportunity to offer our customers benefits surpassing any other solution available in the industry. This valuable information is the key to your success but also an essential element to maximize your chances of obtaining good financing conditions .

Our independence is our strength : it allows us to remain neutral and objective in our recommendations, thus ensuring advice truly adapted to your needs, without favoritism towards a particular brand or product having no interest in offering you a solution more than 'another one.

We will give you, straightforwardly, the advantages and disadvantages of each solution, based on customer feedback, figures and the market. We are your project manager and it is your interests that we defend.

By working with us, you will benefit not only from a significant reduction in the time it takes to create your park – often divided by three , which represents a considerable saving of time – but also from a notable financial saving , with average reductions of -10% to -15% thanks to our ability to generate economies of scale.

In addition, we increase guarantees and ensure the smooth running of each project, acting as a third-party advisor . Our role is to ensure that every step goes smoothly, giving you invaluable peace of mind.

Within our agency, we provide you with a team of experienced project managers, ready to meet all your needs. To guarantee a complete solution, we have created specialized teams in various key areas:

  • Financing: Experts to support you in finding suitable financing solutions, in order to realize your projects with peace of mind, boosted by our data.
  • Architecture: A department dedicated to architectural design, combining creativity and compliance, to bring your ideas to life.
  • Works: A team of professionals to supervise and carry out the work, guaranteeing quality and meeting deadlines.
  • Purchasing Department: Our purchasing specialists negotiate the best products and services for you, thus optimizing your budget.
  • Customer Service: Dedicated support to answer all your questions and assist you at every stage of your project.
  • Legal Department: To guarantee the conformity of each solution and help you find the right information in a constantly changing industry.

Our structure is designed to offer you tailor-made support, from the genesis of your project to its final realization, including each crucial stage of its development.

Our ability to market our services globally is at the heart of our mission. We guarantee constant availability and efficiency, regardless of your geographic location.

Aware of the importance of proximity in customer relations, we are actively engaged in an expansion program intended to increase our network of physical agencies internationally.

Currently present on all continents, we study each opportunity to open an agency diligently.

These strategic points allow us not only to ensure continuity of service, but also to forge closer ties with our customers.

With this in mind, we are continuing to deploy new agencies and develop innovative internal tools. Our objective ? Further strengthen your experience as a customer or supplier, offering you unprecedented proximity and personalized support, wherever you are in the world.

Discover our latest articles and news!

Explore our expert tips for boosting your leisure park by reading our latest blog post.

Your frequently asked questions

We are here to answer all your questions, don't wait any longer to make an appointment with a project manager.

What are the advantages of working with Storkeo?


By choosing Storkeo, you benefit from a single partner for all your service and product needs, guaranteeing speed and efficiency. Our independence from brands ensures optimal impartiality. We also offer extensive warranties, advantageous financing solutions and significant economies of scale, among other key benefits.

Are the products sold by Storkeo more expensive than directly?


No, for two reasons: the first is that, like any distributor, we benefit from privileged conditions and, secondly, thanks to our position, you can mandate us to order products on which you would have special conditions, if, for example, we do not sell your reference. As a result, it is completely impossible to find better conditions. To ensure this commitment, we guarantee reimbursement of the difference if you find the reference cheaper elsewhere.

Why did you choose to distribute brands?


Our choice to distribute brands is part of our commitment to constantly offering solutions perfectly suited to your requirements, whatever the situation or location. Unlike a traditional manufacturer, who may find themselves limited by their production or installation capacities, our model allows us to overcome all constraints by offering you many more services.

How does Storkeo get paid?


Storkeo's compensation aligns with traditional business practices. We generate revenue through the sale of products and billing for our services.

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